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  • Writer's pictureDallas Area Visitors


The Dallas Area Visitors Center is pleased to introduce two new team members; Darcy Stice and Katy Meston. Darcy and Katy will be volunteering in the office several days a week and are excited to help you learn all about Dallas, Oregon. Darcy Stice and her husband, Don, have called Dallas home since 2010. They followed family here so that they could be closer to their children who live in Salem along with their niece and nephew who attend Dallas Public Schools. The transition from the big city of Portland/Vancouver where Darcy worked for a Bio-Pharmaceutical Research company to the small town of Dallas has been nothing short of amazing for her. Darcy and her husband have chosen to retire here and enjoy the beautiful city and the many new friends they have made in Dallas.

Darcy's happy to be bringing in her background which not only includes working with the public, but also her previous work experience for a destination marketing organization in Corpus Christi, TX. She is looking forward to helping out in the community and also sharing her experience and background with Dallas. Darcy can be found in the Dallas Area Visitors Center office on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Katy Meston is a native Oregonian, who has lived in the Dallas area on and off for over 8 years. She graduated from Lebanon High School in 2017. She has five siblings and currently lives in Monmouth. She is an amazing Auntie to four wonderful kids and loves being able to spend time with them.

She currently works as a part time bartender at Corby's Public House and is loving getting to know the community better. With volunteering at the Dallas Area Visitors Center, she is honing her customer service skills and working on learning office responsibilities. She is excited to get to know the Dallas area better by helping you with your Dallas Oregon questions. Katy can be found at the Dallas Area Visitors Center office on Mondays.

Both Katy and Darcy would love to get to know you. Stop in and say hi!

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